
One!  Two!  Eyes on YOU!

Teacher’s Message

Hello wonderful parents!  I'd like to start off by saying a huge thank you to you all!  Remote Learning (and teaching) is a new experience for us all.  All the communication I have gotten from you this week has been so appreciative and patient with my efforts to get this up and running.  I am truly grateful for your support, encouragement, and assistance with this process.  I am a very lucky teacher!

So where are we now in this process?  Here is what I know and don't know yet.  Unfortunately, what I don't know far outweighs what I do!

I do know that:

    Per the district's Wednesday email, we are continuing Remote Learning until at least May 1st.

    On April 13th my Classroom will no longer contain only review lessons, but new learning.

    I get my direction from the district.  The district takes direction from the county office of education and the state department of education.  We have to wait for decisions to trickle down to our level.  Teachers were given two working days to get our remote classrooms set up.  I'm expecting a similar timeline for phase two of this process.  (This is hard since I like to be well planned ahead)

Yeah, that's it.  Below is a small part of what I don't know yet.  I'm waiting for direction from the district. 

    Will any lessons be delivered live via Meet?   

    What exactly will be graded?  

    Will we get to go pick up any materials we need from school?  I 

    Will lessons be assigned in Classroom daily and due by the end of the day? Or, will they continue to be available for the whole week so we can work at our own pace

    Will there be homework too?  (I sure hope not.  Isn't what you are doing all falling under the category of homework?)

    Why do we still have a spring break?  Haven't we already had time off?

    What about class assignments for next year?  

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