
How will you meet my child’s learning needs in a combination class?

Students will receive small group instruction at their grade level throughout the day.  While I give direct instruction to one group, the rest of the students will work independently on their assignments with the support of our classroom para-educator.   In addition, I will use the first grade Slip Schedule to provide focused time for each grade.   I am used to providing differentiated instruction to students with diverse needs and am committed to teaching all students, no matter their grade level.  

What will my child’s schedule look like?

Starting August 26th, First graders will attend class from 8:35-2:10.  Second graders attend 8:35-3:00.  From 8:30-9:20, second graders will join other second grade classes for additional reading instruction.  While this happens, first graders will be with me for math lessons.  Once first graders are dismissed, second graders will join me for math at the end of our day.  Click here for a copy of our daily schedule.  

Where are the desks?

Second graders have traditionally used desks here at Alamo School.  Because of the diverse learning styles and needs found in a combination class, I have opted to provide flexible seating options for all members of our class.  Once rules and routines are established, students will be able to select from a variety of seating options.  I am providing standing desks, short desks with pillow seats, lap desks for floor seating, stability balls, wobble stools and bouncy bands on chair legs for students who require constant movement throughout the day, and some standard table and chair seating.  

Where should the kids wait before school? Where do I meet them after school?

If arriving before 8:20, students must wait in the front courtyard area behind the red line. At the 8:20 bell, students may walk to our classroom, hang their backpacks by our door and walk to the playground.  At the 8:35 bell they line up at our number on the playground. At dismissal students will walk to the appropriate area for them. For car pickup, students go to the carpool area by the side of the school.  Students riding bikes, walking, or going to the YMCA, or meeting rides at Dapplegray may head through the walkways on their own. Supervision is provided in the carpool area and at Dapplegray.

Is there a snack time? 

Yes, students may bring a small snack to eat at the beginning of our morning recess. Gum and candy are not allowed during snack time. 

What does my child need to bring to school on a daily basis? 

Children should bring a backpack large enough to hold a 9”x 12” folder, their lunch, snack and a jacket. Games, toys, electronic devices, and other materials not needed for learning may not come to school.

What should I do if my child is absent? 

If your child is absent, please call the school's attendance line, (925) 855 – 7598, by 9:00 am. Or, click here to report an absence online. Be sure to email student's name, my name, parent name, date and reason for absences. If out more than one day, please call or email each day. If you know your child is going to be absent for five days or more, please let me know in advance so I can set up an independent study contract for you.

My child's birthday is coming up. May I send a treat or party invitations?   

No. Due to district policy, treats are limited at school. On your children’s birthdays I will honor their special day by sending home our Birthday Backpack. Please do not send party invitations to be passed out at school. These should be mailed from home. 

My child came home without their jacket. Where should I look? 

Please label all jackets, sweaters, gloves, hats, backpacks and lunch boxes. If your child loses an item of clothing there is a lost and found on a rolling rack in front of the school.

Do you have a discipline policy in your classroom? 

Alamo School uses a program called Positive Discipline.  Our school rules are Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Productive.  Using these rules, we develop respectful agreements and guidelines for behavior as a class.  Students learn self-regulation, communication skills, mutual respect, cooperation, how to fix mistakes, and how to encourage others.  

What happens if my child forgets to bring lunch? 

If you realize the lunch was forgotten, you can drop it off in the bin by outside the office door before. If you alert me via e-mail I will make sure your child knows to pick up the lunch at the start of our lunch break. I highly recommend having a lunch credit so your child can purchase a school lunch should a lunch be forgotten. click here to purchase lunch credit on-line.

Does my child get to check books out from the library? 

Yes. We go to the library every week. Students get to check out one book to take home each week.

My child needs medicine for allergies or a cold. Who administers this? 

All medications which are to be administered at school must be authorized by a note from your doctor. Even over-the-counter medications such as cough drops and aspirin must be accompanied by a doctor's note. Students are not allowed to self administer any medication (including cough drops or throat lozenges). All medication must be administered by the school nurse or office personnel.

We were running late today, do I need to have my child check in at the office? 

Yes, should your child arrive late, please check in at the office first and pick up a tardy slip.

I need to pick my child up early. What do I do? 

Please go to the office and sign your child out of class. The office staff will call our room and I will send your child up to the office.

Do you need parent help? 

Parent volunteers are always welcome! Parent volunteers must go through a one-time clearance process.  Click here for information on this.  Once you are approved, I use Sign Up Genius to schedule my classroom volunteers.  Click on the link here to access the site.